How to be Creative with Wedding Vows

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Hello, our lovely readers! How are you doing? Hope you all have such amazing times!

We are back! And now we are going to talk about Wedding Vows.

Yes! You’re right! We are going to give you some tips and tricks on how to be creative with wedding vows.

“For better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and health…”

We’re sure you guys are familiar with these sacred promises couples say at the altar. Indeed, wedding vows are important because marriage is based on the promises you must keep for one another. Wedding vow is the fundamental element in building a family.  And, one has to be sure and determined while saying the vow. Hey, you don’t want your man to sound unsure marrying you, right?

Usually, the vows that people say during weddings are the classic vows. But, do you know there are so many options of wedding vows you can say during the wedding? Well, you can always add a little something, have a little fun and lighten up the atmosphere, and we have prepared some example which can be useful before you tie your knot with the love one.

You can definitely show your personalities through the vows. You can add some touches of light humor, and you can mention the important things in life such as love, patience, as perhaps, coffee.

“I promise to grow old with you and support you,

I promise to be patient, understanding, and kind,

I promise to listen and share,

I promise to love you in good and in bad times,

I will make sure there is always coffee,

I promise to be the best of me, for us, and for our future together.”


Or, if you want to be a little bold, serious, a bit dramatic and convincing, you can say,

“Here in front of everyone we love, I give you everything that I am. My dreams and my fears. My triumphs and my failures. I trust you, and will always endeavor to be worthy of your trust in me. If we face times of struggle and hardship, you can depend on me to support and protect you, no matter what the cost”


And, if you want to be more poetic, you can say something written by Frau Ava in the 1100s. it’s still relevant today as it was back then.

“You are my inspiration and my soul’s fire. You are the magic of my days. You help me laugh, you teach me to love. You provide a safe place for me, unlike I’ve ever known. You free me to sing my own song. You are more of an amazement to me, each day I rediscover you. You are my greatest boon. I am yours. You are mine. Of this we are certain. You are lodged in my heart. The small key is lost. You must stay there forever.”


If you are the type of person who doesn’t beat around the bush, a few short sentences which pack a punch can never go wrong.

“Today, as I give myself to you, my mind is clear and my commitment is strong and without reservation. I take you to be my life’s partner. I will never leave you nor forsake you; I will spend all my days at your side. We will share a lifetime of eternal, immeasurable love.”


Last but not least, from us. Saying everything that your heart wants to say is definitely the ultimate! Show your loved ones that you are meant to be together, and show that you are the perfect one.

“I used to be afraid of falling in love, of giving my heart away. How could I trust a man/woman to love me? To give me all that I wanted to give to him/her? But when I met you, I realized how much we could share together. You have renewed my life. Today I join that life with yours.”


So, beloved readers, those are some examples of wedding vows you can say during your wedding. The key is, just be yourself, sincere and sure! And we’re sure you’ll have the moment of your life.

See you next time!
